Some European countries like France or Italy are known for incredible food cultures. Ireland on the other hand,
is better known for their drinking than eating. Our Whiskey's and Coffee's are fairly well known worldwide,
but we’re probably best known for Guinness. It is, after all, our national drink. So what makes a national drink,
and why is Guinness ours?
[1] No Great Stagnation in Guinness
[2] Fresh Draughts of Literary History
[3] Guinness's Steadfast in their loyalty to the British Crown
[4] The History of Guinness in the Caribbean
[5] Is Guinness Actually Better in Ireland
[6] Welcome to Sligoville
[7] Beamish and Crawford
[8] Murphy's
[9] The Slow Journey to the Perfect Pint
[10] The Most Important Statistical Method in Science
[11] Guinness Contemplated Cutting the Irish Connection